Samer Bagh, Raffaele Di Stefano, Debora Pantaleo, Carlo Calamita, Chiara Ladina, Simone Marzorati, Lauro Chiaraluce
Istituto Nazionale di Geofisica e Vulcanologia (INGV), Italy.
[Paper]: Bagh., S ..... (2025)
[Data set]: Bagh S., Di Stefano R., Pantaleo D., Calamita C., Ladina C., Marzorati S. (2024). TABOO Earthquakes catalogue 1D, NonLinLoc 2010-2020. Istituto Nazionale di Geofisica e Vulcanologia (INGV).
We present a new homogeneous earthquake catalogue 10-year-long (2010–2020) related to the activity of the Alto Tiberina (ATF) low-angle normal fault system (Northern Apennines of Italy). The analyzed seismicity has been recorded by the seismic network of The Alto Tiberina Near Fault Observatory (TABOO-NFO), a dense array composed of 60 broad band and short period seismographs, partly located at surface and within shallow boreholes, covering an area of about 120×120 km2. Such a network configuration allows a very low detection threshold of seismic events.
We use the new seismic catalogue to revise the down-dip geometry of the ATF system and to investigate the spatiotemporal distribution of the seismicity and its mechanical and kinematic properties.
A catalogue composed by high-resolution locations of almost 100,000 events with ML< 3.9 and completeness magnitude ≈ 0.1 ML. A list of station corrections for on-purpose the calculated 1D velocity model.
Earthquake hypocenters have been determined by the non-linear earthquake location code NonLinLoc applied to human revised and automatic P- and S-onsets, using a new best-fit 1D velocity model and newly estimated static station corrections.
Column number | Type | Format | Note |
01 | event ID (underscore) event location ID | char | |
02 | year | integer | |
03 | month | integer | |
04 | day | integer | |
05 | hour | integer | |
06 | minute | integer | |
07 | seconds | float | |
08 | Longitude (degrees) | float | positive east |
09 | Latitude (degrees) | float | positive north |
10 | depth (km from sea level) | float | positive down |
11 | formal location vertical errors (km) | float | absolute |
12 | formal location horizontal errors (km) | float | absolute |
13 | earthquake location quality factor (Q) | float | see Michele et al. (2019), we consider four different quality classes: A-class for qf ≤ 0.25, B-class for 0.25 < qf ≤ 0.5, C-class for 0.5 < qf ≤ 0.75, and D-class for qf > 0.75. |
14 | local magnitude (ML) | float |
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samer.bagh [at]
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