A 10-year-long earthquake catalogue of the low angle normal fault area monitored by The Alto Tiberina Near Fault Observatory
(NFO TABOO Northern Apennines, Italy)

Samer Bagh, Raffaele Di Stefano, Debora Pantaleo, Carlo Calamita, Chiara Ladina, Simone Marzorati, Lauro Chiaraluce

Istituto Nazionale di Geofisica e Vulcanologia (INGV), Italy. 

Citation: to cite this dataset please reference both the following DOIs:

[Paper]: Bagh., S ..... (2025)

[Data set]: Bagh S., Di Stefano R., Pantaleo D., Calamita C., Ladina C., Marzorati S. (2024). TABOO Earthquakes catalogue 1D, NonLinLoc 2010-2020. Istituto Nazionale di Geofisica e Vulcanologia (INGV). 


The research

We present a new homogeneous earthquake catalogue 10-year-long (2010–2020) related to the activity of the Alto Tiberina (ATF) low-angle normal fault system (Northern Apennines of Italy). The analyzed seismicity has been recorded by the seismic network of The Alto Tiberina Near Fault Observatory (TABOO-NFO), a dense array composed of 60 broad band and short period seismographs, partly located at surface and within shallow boreholes, covering an area of about 120×120 km2. Such a network configuration allows a very low detection threshold of seismic events.
We use the new seismic catalogue to revise the down-dip geometry of the ATF system and to investigate the spatiotemporal distribution of the seismicity and its mechanical and kinematic properties. 

The product

A catalogue composed by high-resolution locations of almost 100,000 events with ML< 3.9 and completeness magnitude ≈ 0.1 ML. A list of station corrections for on-purpose the calculated 1D velocity model. 


Earthquake hypocenters have been determined by the non-linear earthquake location code NonLinLoc applied to human revised and automatic P- and S-onsets, using a new best-fit 1D velocity model and newly estimated static station corrections. 

Data Description

Earthquakes Locations Header

Column number TypeFormat Note
01event ID (underscore) event location IDchar
08Longitude (degrees)floatpositive east
09Latitude (degrees)floatpositive north
10depth (km from sea level)floatpositive down
11formal location vertical errors (km)floatabsolute
12formal location horizontal errors (km)floatabsolute
13earthquake location quality factor (Q)floatsee Michele et al. (2019), we consider four different quality classes: A-class for qf ≤ 0.25, B-class for 0.25 < qf ≤ 0.5, C-class for 0.5 < qf ≤ 0.75, and D-class for qf > 0.75.
14local magnitude (ML)float

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samer.bagh [at] ingv.it

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